A-Z of Entries

Johnson, (Ireland)

Johnson 5.8.1800 at Wallace's trial, Carlow

GD website has coded this to Joseph Johnson DNB 1738-1809 which seems extremely unlikely to me

Johnson, clerk of arraigns

adv Johnson 23.1.1795 at John King's / Johnson clerk of arr 30.1.1795 there / adv Johnson 19.2.1795 there

The three entries above have been wrongly coded in GD website to Joseph Johnson. See my entry for Johnson, Richard

Johnson, Dr

Dr Johnson calls 6.1.1802

Probably Dr Robert Wallace Johnson born about 1755 died 12.1.1810 and buried 21.1.1810 at Brentford Albany Congregational Church, his will PCC 1810 mentioned dau Elizabeth Wallace Gould widow. His "New System of Midwifery" went through several editions (1769, 1777, 1786) and Joseph Johnson was named as seller on title page. Mary Jane Godwin was pregnant at the time of this call

Johnson, Edward

Edw Johnson of Mile End calls 7.9.1802. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1802

Edward Johnson will PCC 1827 gent of Mile End, wife Sarah, dau Anna Maria wife of George Goldsmith of Watford gent, son Alred Henry. Execs Richard Fish of Devonshire St, Stepney & Robert William Hall of Trafalgar Sq Stepney. Edward Johnson widower of Mile End Old Town Stepney married 19.1.1801 St John Horsleydown Sarah Kendall otp sp. George Goldsmith Of Watford Herts bach = 29.5.1827 Stepney Anna Maria Johnson sp otp. Edward Johnson of Whitechapel Rd subscr to Pantographia 1799. Listed as merchant & meal…

Johnson, F & C

F Johnson 15.1.1801 at Kedden's (& Sarah Elwes) / C Johnsons 25.2.1801 at Sarah Elwes' / 23.6.1812 letter to F Johnson / 1.7.1812 write to F Johnson

Johnson, John

Johnson senr 14.8.1798 at Joseph Johnson's

Joseph Johnson's father was long dead so this was probably his older brother John, who according to A Liberal Publisher was a brewer of Everton who died in 1800. Directories also showed his address as Dale St Liverpool. No PCC will (John Johnson of Warrington PCC 1802 was not him) but probably PCYork will which I access less often

Johnson, Joseph

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION Joseph Johnson of St Paul's Church Yard proposed member by John Horne Tooke 18.5.1792 2nded Williams

Joseph Johnson (DNB 1738-1809)

GODWIN DIARY has a person record in GD website but many entries wrongly linked to it, see my entry for Johnson, Richard for full discussion

Johnson, Joseph

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION Joseph Johnson Esq, banker in Laurence Lane proposed member 10.11.1787 by Thomas Ridgway 2nded John Redman

Shropshire Archives 2868/66 marriage settlement 6.5.1779 Joseph Johnson of Lawrence Lane, London, laceman, Ann Watson of Camberwell, spinster, Sir Richard Temple of Hackney, bart and John Parker of the City of Worcester, Esq / Joseph Johnson Esq widower of Islington = Lambeth 8.6.1779 by lic Ann Watson sp otp wits Rd Temple, Nichs Nixon / Nat Arch B 3/1845-1848 bankruptcy 9.12.1788 of Thomas Gibson & Joseph Johnson of Lawrence Lane,…

Johnson, Joseph junior

J J  5.12.1797 at Joseph Johnson's / 29.11.1798 J J at Joseph Johnson's in Kings Bench Prison / 8.4.1801 call on Johnson. At Jn's adv Hewlett

Likely to have been Joseph Johnson nephew of Joseph Johnson DNB 1738-1809 who has a person record in GD website but these entries left uncoded. He is identified in GD website (as JJ) in four entries in 1810. The 1801 entry Jn's was Godwin referring back to the call he made on Johnson earlier that day

Johnson, Mrs

11.6.1806 dine at Johnson's w. mrs Johnson / 2.7.1823 call on mrs Johnson, Eastcheap

Could have been the wife of Joseph Johnson's nephew Joseph. He married Alice Sutton at West Kirby, Cheshire in 1797 and their children's births were recorded at Bryom Street Baptist church, Liverpool. If not her then probably not a relative of Joseph Johnson's

Johnson, Richard

R Johnson was in Godwin's 1796 list between Pope 30.11.1793 and Tresham 14.12.1793, and in 1794 version (and Joseph Johnson was strangely absent from 1796 list). Richard Johnson (History of Parliament) 1753-1807 of 104 Pall Mall was a 'nabob' MP, son of Dr Johnson of the Hague, he married 1.3.1792 Sophia daughter of John Courtenay MP, and his sister Mary (1740-1827) married Alexander Blair (died 1816). His most frequent guests were the Courtenays and Mackintosh, the Blairs appear twice as does una Italiana, and most of Godwin's visits are for tea. Johnson first came to Godwin's, along with…

Johnson, Robert Augustus

8.10.1794 Johnsons at Bird's / 9.10.1794 at his / 10.10.1794 / 25.6.1795.

Robert Augustus Johnson 1745-1799, member of Lunar Society (see Birmingham Archives letters to Matthew Boulton) married Anna Rebecca, youngest sister of Lord Craven (she married 1st at Binley Warwicks 10.6.1766 Edward Ludford Taylor and 2nd at Ogbourne St George, Wilts 21.1.1773 RAJohnson). See Bodleian Ms. Don. c. 191, 192, 195 & b.40/1-2.

Born Olney, Bucks son of Rev Woolsey Johnson & wife Jane, brothers George William, Charles Woolsey; sons Robert Henry (matric Brasenose Oxford 1799 age 17),…


28.9.1795 sup at mrs Johnston's with miss Godwin; Young & Campbell / 28.3.1796 Johnston adv at C Moore's / 16.4.1796 again / 7.5.1796 at opera / 23.10.1797 Douglas, Johnston at theatre /2.11.1797 Johnston calls / 6.1.1800 mrs Johnston adv at O Fancourt's / 1.12.1800 Johnston's sup at S Elwes / 10.5.1811 seek Martineau & E Johnston / 27.6.1834 Johnston at Gaskel's / 30.6.1834 Gaskels & Johnston sup

The entry of 23.10.1797 very likely referred to Henry Erskine Johnston who made his London debut in the play Douglas at the theatre that night. Godwin wrote him a letter of…

Johnston, Archibald

see Poland Street 10 to 18 & 45 to 48, and Poland Street 19 to 44, in London Addresses dataset

Archibald Johnston 15 Poland St ratebooks 1791-3 / 19 Poland St rate books 1793-5 / Morning Chronicle 4.6.1793 Archibald Johnston cabinet maker & upholder, after fire in Poland St on 1.6.1793, now at no 19 / Archibald Johnston of St James = St Geo Han Sq 1.5.1791 Catharine Allan otp by lic wit Elizabeth Allan / will PCC 1818 Archibald Johnston paperhanger of Ludgate Hill was probably not him,  as there was a lease dated 1783 to Archibald Johnston of Ludgate Hill (London Met Arch)…


21.6.1795 Johnstone's at Richard Johnson's

Johnstone, John Henry

30.11.1793 Johnstone at Wright's. In a row with three other performers. Hewardine and Pope were in Godwin's 1796 list for 1793 and in the 1794 version; Dignum wasn't in the list, but J H Johnstone may be the Jonstone next to Baddeley (another actor) both crossed out in the 1796 list for 1787, and also in the 1794 version.

Probably the actor and singer John Henry Johnstone DNB who died 28.12.1828


Joice 24.2.1801 calls / 1.4.1801 call on Joice (adv Dyer) / 26.6.1801 meet Joyce / 7.7.1801 tea Joyce's / 20.7.1801 Joices call / 14.8.1901 Joyces & Dyer call / 29.8.1801 tea Joyce's / 2.10.1801 Joice's call / 30.10.1801 tea Joice's / 9.11.1801 dine at Joyce's

The first 8 entries on Jeremiah Joyce's person record (DNB 1763-1816) in the GD website were spelt Joice ( from 19.5.1793 to 11.5.1794) then there were 7 spelt Joyce, then one on 30.11.1799 spelt Joice. The above entries were all in 1801 but the GD website has only coded those spelt Joyce to his person record and left the…


call on Ponsonby, Joinville 3.8.1800

I've found no references to this as a surname in Ireland or England but it was an aristocratic and historic name in France. It may have been the name of Ponsonby's residence near Dublin, as Godwin was on his journey to Carlow via Castle Browne


9.3.1794 at Wimbledon (Tooke's) with Joyce / 15.4.1794 Joyce, Jones, Stanhope call / 2.6.1795 at Reveley's adv Jones / 8.10.1795 at Thelwall's adv Jones T C(k)d / 18.10.1795 at Holcroft's adv Ritson, H Richter, Sharp, C(ooper) &Jones / 1.3.1796 Godwin calls on E Mansel, Cooper, Jones / 4.3.1796 Cooper & Jones dine at Godwin's / 7.4.1796 with Northcote, talk of T Jones / 16.4.1796 at Perry's, D Jones / 17.7.1796 at Melton (Norfolk) with Harwood & Vickery adv David Jones / 18.6.1797 sup at Jones's, Cambridge with Woodhouse / 10.5.1798 Sadler's Wells, with Jones / 12.6.1798 adv at…

Jones, Cheret

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

SunFire 1777 Cheret Jones Esq Poland St / Ratebooks 3 Poland St Cheret Jones 1781 / Cheret Jones Ensign and Standard Bearer to Yeomen of the Guard £300 p.a. / will PCC 1790 of Snaresbrook / will of father Cheret Jones of St James  PCC 1770 dated 2.7.1759 mentioned wife Joanna sons John & Cheret / will of mother Joanna Jones of Poland St PCC 1778 dated 1770 mentioned son John, his wife Carey and dau Maria, and son Cheret