A-Z of Entries


meet mrs Plunket 16.7.1800 (in Ireland) / 23.9.1800 mrs Plunket at theatre (in London) / 25.9.1800 tea mrs Plunket's / 11.10.1800 call on mrs Plunket / 9.4.1804 Plunket & miss Gunning at Hamilton Rowan's. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1804 / 22.5.1804 Plunkets & Defrezes at H Rowan's / 15.11.1804 again / 25.7.1805 Plunkets at mrs Rowan's / 20.1.1806 3 Plunkets at Rowan's / 4.3.1806 Plunkets at Rowan's / 4.2.1807 Plunket at Hawthorn's / 1.3.1807 Plunkets at John King's / 3.3.1807 Plunkets at mrs Hippisley's / 6.3.1807 Plunkets call / 8.3.07 dine at Plunket's with mrs Plunket & son,…

Pocklington, Henry Sharpe

10.7.1796 Pocklington at Tho. Harvey's / 20.7.1796 Pocklington dines (probably at Alderson's): gardens with A & Pocklington

Both above entries were at Norwich. Henry Sharpe Pocklington admitted Christ's Cambridge 1819. 2nd son of Henry P of Chelsworth, Suffolk & Anne Harvey, born at Gloucester 29.12.1802. Henry P of Tibberton was sworn freeman of Gloucester 1802. Will PCC 1817 of Henry Sharpe Pocklington (sr) of Tyrrlawder, Glamorgan, wife Anne, brother Sir Robert P of Chelsworth. Will PCC 1838 of Anne P of Chelsworth, execs cousin George Morse of precincts of Norwich…


15.11.1811 call on Pocock / 28.1.1812 again / 10.2.1812 again / 17.2.1812 again / 3.5.1812 Poole's, music, Pocock &c / 23.11.1813 dine at Poole's, w. Pocock &c

Possibly Isaac Innes Pocock DNB 1782-1835 who as a playwright like Poole would have been in context at Poole's two theatrical gatherings. Godwin first noted Poole at the theatre the night after he first called on Pocock

16.6.1813 sup at S(arah) E(lwes)'s, w. capt. Pocock / 14.8.1813 sup at S(arah) E(lwes)'s, w. Pococks

Quite likely Nicholas Pocock, captain of the Princess Mary packet, who married…

Poignand, Louis

31.8.1797 Dr Poignand / 3.9.1797 Poignand

Louis Poignand (Monk's Roll) born Poitou France died 17.6.1809 age 63 will PCC 1809


6.5.1807 call on Polhill

The only mention of Polhill in Godwin's diary. Godwin had received a letter that morning from Lord Holland (Bodleian MS Abinger c.10 f.37-8) concerning Godwin's attempts to raise a loan, so this call may have been relevant to that project.

The children of the Wilkite MP for Southwark Nathaniel Polhill (H of P 1723-1782), were Edward & Robert Polhill tobacconists 35 Borough (Holdens directory 1805) and Capt John Polhill (will PCC 28.11.1828) father of Frederick Polhill MP for Bedford 1830-1832.. Edward Polhill esq (will PCC 29.9.1837 of York-place…

Pomfret, Earl (George Fermor)

E Pomfret 31.3.1793 at Paradise's. George Fermor born 1768, became Earl Pomfret 9.6.1785, died 1830



Pontigny 27.2.1805 adv at (R) Taylor's

Victor de Mazet Pontigny son of Henry Pontigny of Little Tower Hill potter was apprenticed 2.2.1819 to Richard Taylor of the Stationers Company. Henry Pontigny potter and glass seller of Hermitage Wapping had been partner there with John Livie (qv) who died 1798. His daughter Clara de Chatelain DNB 1807-1876

Poole, Clement

write to Poole 15.3.1802 / 5.6.1802 write to Poole / 19.8.1802 write to M, Liverpool : M dines / 23.3.1803 Ct Poole dines (& E Napier) / 2.2.1804 Ct Pool calls (& miss Walsh)

The first two entries above are coded to Thomas Poole in the GD website. He was a friend of Coleridge and Godwin had met him in Coleridge's company 5 times in January and February of 1802 so it's reasonable to infer that the two letters were to him. But the letter of 17,3,1802 from Poole to Godwin (Bodleian Abinger c7 f100) bore a signature that doesn't appear to be Thomas Poole, though it is hard to…

Pope Rembrandt Rubens Raffaele

talk of Pope Rembrandt Rubens & Raffaele 9.5.1801

on GD website Rembrandt is uncoded and the other three coded as unidentified. The only one in any doubt was Pope who was probably the poet Alexander Pope DNB 1688-1744 but possibly the actor and painter Alexander Pope DNB 1763-1835. The three famous artists need no comment

Pope, Alexander

30.11.1793 at Wrights (with Perry) / in 1796 list (crossed out) for 1793, and in 1794 version / 4.10.1803 call on w. Curran / 17.10.1807 dine at Perry's, w. Popes

Alexander Pope DNB 1763-1835 actor and painter who married Mrs Wheatley (Clara Maria Pope DNB 1767-1838) on 14.6.1807. On 17.9.1802 Godwin had dined at Perry's with Mrs Wheatley (when she was a widow)


Porter 2.4.1797 at Mary Robinson's / 4.6.1797 at Horseman's, Oxford / 27.4.1800 adv at Mary Robinson's (& Northcote). In Godwin's 1796 list for 1800 in position which might have referred to any of the 1800 entries / 28.4.1800 at RA exhibition / 2.5.1800 Porter's Seringapatam / 3.5.1800 adv at Bedford House / 13.5.1800 meet Porter / 17.5.1800 sup at Hoare's with N(orthcote) O(pie) Reynolds. Chalmers, Porter / 11.6.1800 Mary Robinson's with Northcote & 4 Porters / 18.6.1800 call on Northcote; meet Porter / 8.3.1802 Porter at Fuseli's lecture / 31.7.1802 theatre adv R K Porter / 3.1.…


Porteus 15.3.1797 at Robert Knight's / 14.5.1809 Porteus dies

For the 1797 entry GD website transcript has Portens, original looks more like Portens than Porteus but I cannot trace any instances of that surname. The 1809 entry was certainly Beilby Porteus DNB 1731-1809 Bishop of London.

Potigny, Mrs

5.3.1806 Mrs Potigny at Taylor's

Couldn't find any other mention of her

Potts, Ann M

miss Potts 6.9.1799 sups at Godwin's with H G / 9.10.1799 tea at Fell's with Godwin, Marshall & Fenwicks.

Ann M Potts was bound to Hannah Godwin on 1.6.1796 (Nat Arch IR1/36)


Potts, James

2.3.1789 Nicol & Potts at Robinson's and 9.3.1789 same pair at Hamilton's.

George Nicol DNB 1740-1828 bookseller and James Potts (R Pollard, Dublin Book Trade 1733-96) seem a likely pair to have been dining with these publishers (and see Jenkins 22.1.1789)


Poulain 2.1.1794 at Richard Johnson's

1774 Poulain, the Academy, Kensington / 1786 Paris 'L'Amour Conjugal' by Mlle Poulain / 1785-90 Poulain & Kaye navy agents 11 Savage Gdns / 1798 will PCC John Poulain of Grosvenor Row Chelsea (dated 11.9.1797 'nevew Francois Disiaux of Valenciennes, servant Jane Hallifax') / 1828 will PCC James Poulain of Finchley


7.1.1789 Powell at Miss Williams' and 14.9.1789 there.

Jane Powell 1766-1838 and her sisters Anna and Margaret, daughters of John Powell (d.1799 PCC will) a prosperous Boston merchant who lost money by taking English side then came to live in Ludlow where they were part of Penelope Weston's circle (see her entry) and moved to London about the same time as her. Their brother Willam Dummer Powell (see his life by William Renwick Liddell) became Chief Justice of Upper Canada and died in 1835. Anna married Isaac Winslow Clark on 5.3.1791 in Boston and died in childbed in America. Jane…


11.3.1796 Powell at Holcroft's

Not James Powell the spy as coded in GD website. In Holcroft's diary (Hazlitt's Works vol 3 p196) he mentioned seeing William Nicholson's diary entry for 11.3.1796 and referred to Powell as "a young Oxonian brought by Parr". May be one of these

Charles Powell son of Rev Wm of Abergavenny - Jesus Coll matric 20.5.1790 age 18, BA 1794 MA 1796 (PCC 1827?)

James Powell son of James of Abingdon - Trinity Coll matric 13.12.1788 age 16, scholar, BA 1792, MA 1795, died 20.3.1797 (PCC 1797 x 2)

John Folliott Powell son of Richard of…

Powell, Henry Watson

Gen. Powell 10.10.1794 at Johnson's.

His will PCC 1814 Henry Watson Powell, General in HMArmy of Warwick. Took part in the 1790 Warwick meeting against dissenters and voted Villiers (pro Pitt) in 1792 Warwick poll. Died 14.7.1814 at his house near Lyme, Colonel of 15th regt of infantry

Powell, James

in {} brackets, probably not the right James Powell, but possibly
{SunFire 1786 James Powell gent, corner of John St, Tottenham Court Rd}
Customs 1788 James Powell £25 per annum Examiner of Journals for Northern Ports. In 1795 he stated he had been a clerk in the Customs Office for 12 years. Thale p256 note 34
The Narcotic and Private Theatricals Two Dramatic Pieces by James Powell of the Custom House. London, printed for & sold by the author, H D Symonds, Vernor, R Gyfford, Harrison, I Axtell, and Riley & Willis, published March 1793, 8vo 2 shillings.