A-Z of Entries

Pashley, miss

28.3.1810 J Johnson, H, W & P Hopwood dine; adv. mrs Topping, L(ouisa) H(olcroft), V(illiers), miss Pashley & Jas Hopwood

Kezia daughter of William Pashley (d.1807) wine merchant and his wife Mary born 1783, married in 1815 Frederick Betham, brother of Matilda Betham DNB 1776-1852. When Matilda Betham first appeared in Godwin's diary in 1813 it was twice at L Kenney's (Louisa Holcroft as was in 1810). She and miss Pashley were of a similar age. Soon after their marriage the Bethams went to Gernany & Russia and Kezia died giving birth to her fifth child in 1823 in Germany…

Pasley, Charles William

2.5.1807 breakfast at Coleridge's, w. Pasley

Charles William Pasley (DNB 1780-1861). See Letters of S T Coleridge. Godwin was lucky to catch him off duty between the battle of Maida July 1806 and the siege of Copenhagen August 1807


18.5.1809 Pass calls / 24.5.1809 call on Pass / 10.6.1809 again / 19.6.1809 call, w. M(ary) J(ane), on Pass / 26.6.1809 call on Pass, w. W(illiam) / 30.6.1809 call on Pass / 10.7.1809 Pass calls

Holdens 1811 trades directory had Abraham Pass coffee house keeper Oxford-market / Charles Pass butcher Hampstead-rd / David Pass butcher Goodmans-fields / William Pass warehouseman. Cateaton-st / Mr Wm Thos Pass, Goswell-st-rd

bbti John Pass copperplate engraver active 1796-1807, address 4 Chapel-st  Pentonville 1799-1805. Apprenticed to Robert Pollard 1784. Land Tax Chapel-st 1809…


HCR diary 15.4.1838 at Aders' "He, I should say they are annoyed at the difficulty in disposing of any of the pictures and now propose writing to Passavant at Frankfurt"

See Marquardt II p520 and n37. Johann David Passavant 1787-1861 art historian, saw Aders' collection in London in 1831 and described it in his book Kunstreise durch England und Belgien (1833). Not to be confused with the doctor Johann Karl Passavant (1790-1857) his brother?  whom Robinson met in Germany in 1829 (Marquardt II p 284 and n14)

Pate, Miss

HCR DIARY 10.4.1842 Miss Pate "related to me a strange story of Basil Montagu" (shorthand passage) "Miss P: is the godmother of his son Frederick"

This was possibly Eliza Lloyd Pate daughter of John Pate solicitor of Bury St Edmunds and his wife Susanna who was bapt 5.2.1778 at St Mary's Bury, died at Bury 23.4.1857. Bury & Norwich Post 11.11.1829 & 28.4.1857. Her will PCC 1857 spinster mentioned a godson but not Frederick Montagu

GODWIN DIARY 13.4.1809 dine at Thelwall's, w. miss Pate

The Miss Pate that knew Basil Montagu (see above) may well have been the…


Paterson 19.11.1793 at Jennings' / 2.4.1794 at Newgate / 1.2.1795 & 3.2.1795 at Foulkes' / 27.2.1798 col. Paterson at Joseph Johnson's / 18.12.1798 & 29.1.1799 Paterson (Coryat) at JosephJohnson's. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1798 S Paterson / 13.3.1799 & 25.8.1802 Paterson at Joseph Johnson's / 20.1.1803 Patterson at Carlisle's / 13.6.1806 Paterson's at Perry's / 21.12.1810 Pattersons call / 9.4.1816 Paterson dines (in York) / 10.9.1817 & 13.9.1817 Paterson calls (not in) / 14.9.1817 call on Paterson / 16.9.1817 Paterson calls / 18.2.1816 call on La(dy) C(aroline) Lamb;…

Paterson, Alexander

see Batemans Buildings in London Addresses dataset

Alexander Paterson 11 Batemans Buildings ratebooks 1774-1777 / Alexander Paterson Batemans Buildings subscr Universal Family Bible 1774 (as did Macklin at No1 & Robinson & 2 Robertsons at No7) below are listed just ratepaying tradesmen from the West End of London, the name was very common

UNLIKELY AS RATED ELSEWHERE AT SAME TIME Alexander Patterson carpenter James St St Geo Han Sq voted 1774 Percy & Clinton / SunFire 1779 Alexander Patterson carpenter, Carpenter St / Alexander Patterson ratebooks Carpenter St, St…


8.4.1796 Patrickson at Thos Fawcett's

This could have been the father of Godwin's protegé Procter Patrickson. Procter has a person record on GD website except it is wrongly titled Patrick Patrickson. The father was Nicholas Pattrickson, Navy surgeon in 1779 (Nat Arch ADM 106/1246/273), surgeon of 13, Queen-st Cheapside (directory 1791) who married Jane Barton in 1785. Their children Margaret born 1786, Mary born 1789, Procter born 1792 and Bernard, apprenticed 1812 in Merchant Taylor's company. A Chancery suit of 1803 (Nat Arch C13/602/38) Nicholas Pattrickson versus his wife and 4…


SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Joseph Pattison of Thorpe Hall nr Rochford, Essex proposed member 23.11.1792 by John Towill Rutt 2nded John Horne Tooke. Not listed as ever elected

Joseph Pattison (1756-1841) see below. His father Joseph (1728-1817) was still alive in 1792, but though Thorpe Hall was let to Joseph Pattison of Maldon, Essex in 1777 when Joseph junior was only 21 (Coventry History Centre PA/101/5/34), in the 1792 subsription list for Robert Robinson's Ecclesiastical Researches, they appeared as Joseph Pattison of Malden, Essex and Joseph Pattison of Thorpe Hall…

Paul, John

see Batemans Buildings in London Addresses dataset

John Paul ratebooks 7 Batemans Buildings 1781 / SunFire 1779 John Paul gent 7 Batemans Buildings / John Paul gent Batemans Bldgs voted 1780 Fox  & Rodney / several people of this name lived nearby. John Paul carpenter & broker of Drury Lane voted in 1780 and 1784, John Paul painter voted of Exeter St 1784 and of Swan Yard 1790, John Paul gent of Bakers Passage, Jermyn St SunFire 1782, John Paul gent of Carlisle St, Soho voted Fox 1784 (ratebooks 1784 in King Square Court which shared a corner with Carlisle St), and John Paul…

Paull, James

6.10.1806 Paul at Curran's

The GD website has a person record for James Paull but has missed the above entry

Payne, Elizabeth

see Poland street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

5 Poland St ratebooks 1780-1 Elizabeth Payne / Elizabeth Payne bur St James 7.8.1781, 29.6.1785, 1.2.1786, 9.10.1788 all children

Payne, Thomas

2.7.1789 young Paynes at Billingsgate with Robinson &c / 13.8.1796 T & Ja Payne at Robinson's / 30.8.1796 T Payne there / 8.11.1796, 11.2.1797 and 13.5.1797 Payne there.

Thomas Payne senior (DNB 1718-99) bookseller and publisher of Mews Gate retired about 1790. His oldest son Thomas (DNB 1752-1831) took over the business and his son James later had his own shop. 18.12.1798 at Johnson's could have been the father or one of the sons; 26.3.1816 call on Payne, bookseller must have been one of the sons


16.2.1796 Peach at Lauderdale's

Just a possible identity, one of the four sons of Samuel Peach of Minchinhampton 1725-1790, a silk merchant in London, director of the EIC, partner in banking firm of Peach, Fowler & Co and briefly MP for Cricklade before being unseated on petition. He went bankrupt in 1781. His cousin Samuel Peach merchant of Bristol was father-in-law to Henry Cruger and stood with him on a pro-Wilkes ticket in Bristol in 1769. His children were all baptised at Allhallows Bread St between 1757 and 1777. His son Samuel was born 1762 and was an EIC official at…

Peacock, Thomas

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Thomas Peacock of Holborn Bridge proposed member 5.10.1792 by John Walford 2nded John Horne Tooke

Josiah Peacock monument in Paul's meeting house Taunton born 19.6.1695 died 31.3.1775 (Joshua Toulmin's History of Taunton 1822). His wife was probably Mary dau of John Brown sergemaker of Taunton (Somerset Heritage Centre DD\MY/7). He was a member of Socy for Promoting Religious Knowledge among Poor from 1758. A Thomas Peacock was appr to Nathaniel Taylor of the Ironmongers Company 1754, if this was the SCI member he later transferred to the…


26.12.1807 T(homas) T(urner) sups from Peake

The only Peake entry in Godwin's diary, though there were some Peak entries in 1833. See work notes below


Pearce 21.4.1794 at Thelwal's, 5.12.1794 at Foulkes and 2.2.1795 at Thelwal's.

Probably John Pearce London Corresponding society member and clerk to John Martin attorney (Barrell & Mee, Treason Trials; Nat Arch TS11/966/3499)

mrs Pearce 1.11.1798 sleeps / 26.9.1799 mrs Pearce adv at Keir's / 9.10.1800 mrs Pearce at S(arah) Elwes' / 21.1.1805 Pearces call

call on Pearce 23.9.1813 / 12.10.1813 again / 16.10.1813 again / 19.10.1813 again / 21.10.1813 again / 1.12.1813 again / 2.12.1813 again / 11.12.1813 again / 23.12.1813 again / 31.12.1813 again / 16.8.1814 again…


dine at Pearsal's: Spitalfields, silk mill 12.7.1804 / 28.2.1809 call on Pearsal / 2.3.1809 Pearsal calls / 5.6.1809 call on Pearsal / 13.6.1809 again / 18.7.1809 again / 20.3.1810 again / 7.7.1812 again / 19.5.1818 again / 25.7.1821 again / 1.8.1821 again / 2.8.1821 Pearsal calls

James Pearsall silk manufacturer of London & Taunton Sun Fire 1802 54 Bread St, 1814 3 Charles St City Rd 1815 145 Cheapside will PCC 1841 James Pearsall silkman 145 Cheapside, will PCC 1846 James Pearsall late silkman now gent of Clerkenwell, will PCC 1848 Rebecca Pearsall widow of Islington. A James…


GODWIN DIARY: 14.10.1791 Pearson and his character talked of at J Hollis', with Dr Lister and Barry. Up to this point no Pearson had appeared in the diary, nor did any Pearson ever appear in the 1796 list. Most likely to have been George Pearson DNB 1751-1828 lecturer at St George's Hospital, as a public character and of special interest to Dr Lister. The next Pearson was 4.2.1793 at tea at Godwin's with Jardine, Fenwick and Symonds. If this was Thomas Symonds the barrister who proposed Fenwick as a member of the Constitutional Society on 5.10.1792 then this may have been John Pearson (…


see Perry, James