A-Z of Entries


Lee, Somt calls 26.10.1799 / 12.8.1801 Lee at Reynolds' (North Cray, Kent)

Probably two one-off Lees, though Godwins friends the misses Lee of Bath were of course from Somerset (if that is what Somt was short for)

Lee, James

at Martineau's 10.12.1794.

Rather than Richard 'Citizen' Lee, a master hatter in the London Corresp Socy (as per GD website), this was likely to have been James Lee, Turkey merchant of London, who married the Martineaus' sister Sarah in 1799 and also (along with the Martineau brothers) subscribed to the fund for state prisoners in 1794. The later Lee entries at Powel's are most likely Richard 'Citizen' Lee

Lee, Richard

23.3.1792 Susannah Lee of St Anns Court buried Soho age 69 (of old age)
1792 Soho ratebooks Richard Lee St Anns Court value £14
13.2.1794 letter from Thelwall "letter from Allum brought this morning by Citizen Lee" (source?)
28.2.1794 handbill printed by Richard Lee including his poem "Ye tyrants bend to Molloch's shrine" (Thale p119n)
3.3.1794 Morning Chronicle "Flowers from Sharon" written between ages 15 and 19. William Belcher of 9 Thornhaugh St, Bedford Sq disavows criticism published under his name in January English Review. Rev C G de Coetlegon also…

Lee, Sophia, Harriet & Anne

call on H & A Lee 6.3.1798 (in Bath) / 8.3.1798 call on S & H Lee (in Bath) / 9.3.1798 tea miss Lee's with Lefanus, Thompson & Losh (in Bath) / 13.6.1798 call on Lees (in Bath) / (2.6.1798 Abinger c4 f28 Godwin to H Lee) / (4.6.1798 Abinger c4 f29-30 Godwin to H Lee) / 6.61798 call on H Lee (in Bath) / 8.6.1798 again / 9.6.1798 Conference (in Bath) / 12.6.1798 Letter / (16.6.1798 Abinger c4 f31-2 H Lee to Godwin) / 25.6.1798 Chez elle / 26.6.1798 chez elle:....Conference / 27.6.1798 call on (not in).....S Laney calls. Letter on Religion / 28.6.1798 Water, with H & A / 29.6.…


Leeds 19.4.1797 at theatre

May have been Francis Godolphin Osborne 8th Duke of Leeds DNB 1751-1799


adv Leeson 7.2.1798 at Devlin's

? William Leeson attorney Staples inn 1784 Law list / Derbyshire Record office D239/ M/F10295-6 & M/T223-4 (1791) / Wm L = Eliza Robinson 15.9.1796 by banns wits H Brodie H Robinson / Wm L = Joanna Wright 3.10.1802 St Martin i t Fields


Lefanus 9.3.1798 at miss Lee's / 16.7.1800 (in Ireland) call on mrs Lefanu with Everina (Wollstonecraft) / 19.7.1800 dine at Lefanu's with Everina / 1.8.1800 call on (not in) / 3.10.1808 Godwin reads work by Lefanu / 16.2.1811 Lefanus call / 21.2.1811 Godwin reads Lefanu / 12.3.1811 Lefanus at tea / 13.3.1811 Godwin reads Lefanu / 14.3.1811 write to A Lefanu / 11.7.1811 again / 4.10.1811 again / 10.5.1823 Lefanu jr calls / 5.6.1825 Lefanu adv at M(ary) W S(helley's)

Not identified by a person record in the GD website, but the entry for the texts read by Godwin on 3.10.1808 and 21.2.…


Lefevres 15.10.1804 adv at Holcroft's / 28,10.1804 Lefevre adv at Hts / 30.11.1804 again

Charles Shaw Lefevre Hist of Parl 1759-1823 was MP for Reading from 1802 to 1820 and by 1808 he had moved from being a supporter of Pitt via Addington and Sidmouth to voting for Burdett's reform motion in a minority of 15.  Sidmouth considered he had been "bitten by a popularity" at Reading where the reform movement was strong but I note he voted for Graham in Westminster in 1802, so it's not impossible he was friendly with Holcroft in 1804, but it seems an improbable identification


Leftley, Charles

11.10.1795 Leftley at Holcroft's / 22.11.1795 there

Charles Leftley 1771-1798 son of Charles Leftley grocer of Strand (voted 1774 Mountmorris & Mahon 1784 Fox 1788 Townshend 1790 Fox) married 26.12.1760 St Clement Danes Eleanor Palmer their son Charles bapt 1771 St Martin in the Fields (father or son) signed Declaration of Friends to Liberty of Press 1792, Flights of Fancy 1797 glees with music by William Linley DNB 1771-1835 who wrote account of him in 1819. A Masque 1802 The Corsicans unfinished. The Sylph (DE Baker Biographica Dramatica). Parliamentary reporter for Times…

Legoux, Bernard

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 and Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Bernard/Lewis Lougex ratebooks 24 Poland St 1777-85, 52 Poland St 1788-95 / SunFire 1783 Bernard Legoux surgeon, man midwife & dealer in medicines 24 Poland St / SunFire 1789 Lewis Legoux engraver & printseller 52 Poland St, and Barnard Legoux surgeon / 1792 Dr Bernard Peter Legoux surgeon and dealer in medicines 52 Poland St  / Anne Maria Carolina Legoux bapt dau of Bernard & Philippia 29.3.1752 St Martin in the Fields / Lewis Legoux bapt son of Bernard Petitjean &…


mrs LeGrand calls 3.10.1805 (& Keir)

Possibly Lydia nee White the wife of George Wren Legrand brewer of Hampstead married 1.6.1787. He was born Canterbury 1759 and died 26.12.1834 at Union Place Lambeth buried 2.1.1835 there the same day as his wife, his will PCC 1836. In Holdens 1811 he was at 2 North Addington Pl Camberwell. His father George of Canterbury will PCC 1807. See work notes below as well



Leicester 4.4.1798 at Joseph Godwin's, with Lea


30.12.1807 Philips's, tea & supper; adv. Leigh / 20.11.1809 call on Mills, Rivington, Leigh, Hume, Knowles, Goddard, Hatchard, Sharpe, Stockdales & Tabart / 17.12.1811 Leigh calls / 20.5.1813 call on Leigh 

Godwin's calls on 28.11.1809 were mainly on booksellers, starting from Rivington at St Pauls and then via Knowles at the Navy Office in the Strand to Goddard in Haymarket, Hatchard, Sharpe and Stockdale in Piccadilly to Tabart in Picadilly or Bond-st. If Hume was Godwin's friend Joseph Hume as coded in GD website he is said to have worked in the Victualling Office Smerset…


10.6.1798 Leipsic on coach from Bath

Given the entry on 5.6.1798 (see Florence) this may have been a person from Leipsic or someone with that surname

Lemaistre, John Gustavus

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Gustavus Le Maitre Esq of Queens College Oxford proposed member 6.6.1788 by Rev William Beville 2nded John Lodge Batley

John Gustavus Lemaister born 2.3.1769 bapt 4.3.1769 Percy Chapel St Pancras of Stephen Cesar & Mary. His father Stephen was recorder of Rochester appointed judge of Supreme Court of Justice Calcutta 1773, died 1778. His mother Mary was dau of James Roche of Abystrowy, co Cork and married 2ndly 1779 Gustavus Adam Baron Nolcken (Swedish ambassador) who died 16.12.1812, she died 2.7.1816 in 78th year (Gents Mag). He…


HCR diary 6.1.1833 at Aders in lock up "at his place I found Lemme - I was pleased by the cordial manners of L: towards A: and that A: had made up his mind to carry into effect the agreement with Loevenhagen and Jameson - L: I found thought that I had offered too much and that A's engagement should be only honorary"

                 20.4.1833 wrote to "Lemme stating on what conditions and understanding I consented to become trustee for Aders"

                 29.4.1833 "attended for the first time in Warwick St, Aders, Lemmé, Loevenhagen, Richardson and Upton, and there…

Lennox, Charles

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Charles Lennox Duke of Richmond proposed member 16.5.1783 by Richard Brockleby 2nded Edward Hall

Charles Lennox DNB 1735-1806


10.8.1807 call, w. (Marshall) on Lepard / 12.8.1807 call on Lepard & (w.him) Barber : Bow Street, Lep(ar)d, Humphrys, H(odgkins)s, Corbet, M(arshall) & T(homas) T(urner) / 18.8.1807 Lepard & Hodgkins call / 25.8.1807 call on Lepard (w. M(arshall)) / 8.10.1807 call on Lepard / 26.1.1808 Lepard calls / 27.1.1808 call on Lepard / 1.7.1808 call on Lepard (w. M(ary) J(ane))

William Lepard bookseller Tooley-st, Southwark 1757, stationer Newgate-st SunFire 1780 his will PCC 21.2.1805. He was a Baptist and member of the congregation of John Rippon (DNB 1751-1836). His father,…

Leroux, Henry

H Leroux 14.6.1799 adv at dinner

Jacob Leroux was Godwin's landlord who financed the building of the Polygon and sub-let it. He lived hard by and his son Henry was tenant of no 8. Jacob died 26.4.1799 and the whole estate was put up for sale see GD website event tag 20.6.1799. Jacob's will PCC 1799 dated 11.4.1799 wife Mary (PCC 1831) children Priscilla Mary, Midford George (Doctor will PCC 1847 of Calais & St Pancras), Maria Ann (married John Tatham), Henry Jacob (=18.1.1798 St Pancras Frances Ross Finch, H J L bur St Paul Covt Gdn 24.1.1832 age 55 of St John Hackney, his dau…

Leslie, Ernest

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Ernest Leslie 44 Poland St ratebooks 1779-82 / Ernest Leslie of St Margaret Westminster widower = St Martin i t Fields 30.7.1758 Mary Read sp otp by Archbishops lic / their children bapt St Margarets James 1759, Ernest Augustus 1769, Robert 1762, Maria Ann 1763, Elizabeth Matilda 1766, Janet 1767, George 1770 (father as Ernest Augustus in one of these) / Land Tax 1767 Gt George St Westminster / peruke maker of King St coroners jury 1765, 1774 / Ernest Leslie peruke maker King St, St Margaret's voted 1774 Percy & Clinton /…