A-Z of Entries

Tooke, John Horne

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Horne Tooke of Temple proposed member 6.7.1781 by John Cartwright 2nded John Jebb

John Horne Tooke DNB 1736-1812

GODWIN DIARY: 2.5.1792 meet Paine & Tooke / 25.11.1792 dine at Horne Tooke's. In Godwin's 1796 list towards the end of 1792 (after Dirom he met in September and Inchbald in October), and in the 1794 version, but the 1796 list entry has not been coded to his person record on the GD website. Godwin had already noted seeing Horne Tooke at several public events and dinners, and referred to his actions on other occasions…

Tooke, William

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: William Tooke of Serjeants Inn proposed member 29.3.1782 by John Horne Tooke 2nded Thomas Bennett

Baptised St Peter Mancroft, Norwich 11.12.1719 William son of Edward & Barbara Tuck (? born 2.12.1719). Edward Tooke had married at Heigham, Norfolk 18.3.1716 Barbara Hunt. Edward Tooke apparently died 1727 (not confirmed). The will PCC 30.10.1754 of Barbara Tooke of Norwich widow of Edward Tooke dated 13.7.1754 mentioned her daughter Elizabeth wife of Thomas Harwood of Norwich and their daughters Margaret & Barbara, her son William Tooke…


mes Topping & Smith at tea 22.9.1806 / 6.10.1806 again /  15.10.1806 tea Topping's with miss Fearon / 23.10.1806 mrs Topping at tea / 24.10.1806 Toppings at tea / 12.11.1806 mrs Topping au soir / 18.11.1806 mrs Topping calls (£13) / 20.11.1806 mrs Topping at theatre / 21.11.1806 mes Topping & Smith sup / 3.12.1806 sup at Topping's / 12.12.1806 E Topping, Smith & Ford sup / 24.12.1806 call on Topping; adv Young / 26.12.1806 G(race) M(ary) C(ooper) dines; adv S Topping / 8.1.1807 Toppgs tea & supper / 29.1.1807 S Topping at tea / 1.2.1807 Topping & Smith sup / 18.2.1807…

Torrane, John

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Major John Torrane SunFire 1789 51 Poland St / John George s of John & Elizabeth Torrane bapt 25.4.1767 St James / George s of John & Eliz Torrane bapt 22.7.1769 St James / London Met Arch ACC/1871/009 lease of 1768 mentioned John Torrane & wife Elizabeth (nee Keightley) / Sun Fire 1777 John Torrane Esq Air St Piccadilly, 1778 Brasted Kent 1786 Powick, Worcs / 1795 East Middlesex Militia / 1797 Cape Coast Castle / John Torrane bur 15.4.1810 Kensington Gravel Pits age 69

Toulmin, Joshua

Toulmin 16.5.1797 at Barbauld's

Seems likely to have been Joshua Toulmin DNB 1740-1815

Toulminge, Eleanor

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Eleanor Toulmin 40 Poland St (Pantheon Punch House) ratebooks 1777-83 / George Toulminge bach = Lambeth 6.9.1761 Elleanor Pullen sp botp / Land Tax East Smithfield 1763-71 George Toulminge, 1773 Eleanor Toulminge / Martha d bapt 23.12.1764 George s bapt 3.12.1766 of George & Eleanor Toulminge at Scotch Church Stepney / George son of George Toulminge Sweetmaker of East Smithfield deceased apprenticed 1781 to Daniel Collins of Pewterer's Company (GT jr died1822) / Daily Advertiser 10.6.1774 lease for sale "well known by the…

Towers, Joseph

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Rev Dr Joseph Towers elected honorary member 26.4.1782

Joseph Towers DNB 1737-1799

Towers, Thomas

capt Towers 20.11.1799 at Charlotte Smith's

See Collected Letters of Charlotte Smith. Her cousin was Capt of Sussex Fencible Cavalry (see report of court martial of Worthington, Bristol 1796 & 1797 in Eighteenth Century Online). He came to London from York on military business but died of fever in Charlotte Smith's care 19.12.1799. His will PCC proved 28.2.1800 Thomas Towers of Ashling Sussex dated 6.6.1795 made his cousin Mrs Catherine Ann Dorset, widow, his executrix. It is possible he was also the Towers of 17.11.1799 at John King's, coded in GD website to Joseph Towers DNB…


29.12.1810 seek Towgood

Probably one of the brothers William, John and Matthew Towgood see my entries for them in the Society for Constitutional Information dataset on this website

Towgood, John

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Towgood of Clements Lane proposed member 30.4.1784 by Francis Kemble 2nded Henry Amory

Born 16.7.1757 of Matthew Towgood (QV*) & Mary dau of John Mills registered Dr Williams Library 12.5.1772. Apprenticed 1.8.1771 to father in Fishmongers Co. Subscr 1777 to Toulmin's Socinus. 3.10.1778 member of Honorable Artillery Co, America Square. Subscr 1783 to Barbut's Genera. Trustee of New College Hackney 1786. Subscr to Jebb's Works 1787 of Hackney. Steward of Revolution Society 1789 committee 1790 of Clements Lane. Subscr to Lavater's…

Towgood, Matthew

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Matthew Towgood original member 1780 banker in London

His father Michaijah Towgood  (DNB 1700-1792 in which his son's career is briefly outlined end of 2nd para with wrong birth date) married Mary Hawker 28.5.1723 at Exeter Cathedral and Matthew was baptised 6.7.1727 son of Mr Towgood at Moreton Hampstead presbyterian meeting. He was minister at Bridgwater, Somerset (and/or at Coleford, see Toulmin's Watson 1792) 1747-1755, subscr 1749 to Henry Grove's Moral Philosophy, and married Mary Mills on 23.6.1752 at Bedminster, Somerset. He subscr…

Towgood, William

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: William Towgood of Hackney proposed member 7.11.1783 by Joseph Towers 2nded William Sturch

Born 21.8.1758 son of Matthew Towgood and his wife Mary dau of John Mills (registered Dr Williams Library 12.5.1772). Subscr £50 to New College, Hackney 1786. Member 1788 of Socy for Encouragement of Arts &c, of Bread St Hill.  Directory 1791 sugar refiner of 21 Bread St Fishmongers Co. Subscr 1792 to Robinson's researches of Walthamstow. Subscr 1794 to Mrs darwall's Poems. Director Royal Humane Socy 1795. William Towgood bach of Walthamstow =…

Townley, Charles

Townley's collection 28.3.1797

Charles Townley DNB 1737-1805. Fully covered in the event tag on GD website, so Townley should have a person record or not be highlighted and underlined

Townsend, James

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: James Townsend proposed member 8.3.1783 by John Horne Tooke 2nded John Jebb

James Townsend DNB 1737-1787

Townsend, Joseph

Townsend at Losh's (Bath) 13.3.1798 (in Godwin's 1796 list)

Joseph Townsend DNB 1739-1816. Friend of Jeremy Bentham. Joseph Farington in his diary (p1497 & p 1499) in 1801 met Rev Mr Townsend author of A Tour In Spain at Mr Warner's Bath (see Warner, Richard). (Other Townsends in DNB, George T independent minister Ramsgate father of George T DNB 1788-1857, John T DNB 1757-1826 independent minister at Bermondsey from 1784, Henry Hare T (1765? - 1827) son of James T DNB 1737-1787 and father of Chauncy Hare T DNB 1798-1868 but Joseph T seems much more likely)

Townson, Robert

call on Nicholson (Townson) 8.4.1799 / 8.8.1799, 9.8.1799, 10.8.1799 Godwin reads Townson

Robert Townson DNB 1762-1827 in London from 1797, published Travels in Hungary 1797, Philosophy of Mineralogy 1798, Tract's & observations in natural history & physiology & poor man's moralist 1798. The brackets suggest Godwin didn't meet Townson but talked about him with, or borrowed one of his books from William Nicholson


Trafford 7.9.1805 at W Taylor's, Norwich

Sigismund Trafford born 15.5.1762 son of Sir Clement Boehm Trafford of Dunton Hall Lincs and his wife Jane (died 1809) dau of Edward Southwell of Wisbeach. Emanuel College Cambridge 1780. adm Lincolns Inn 1782. took surname Southwell c1791. Married 30.8.1791 at Lakenham, Margaret eldest daughter of James Crowe of Norwich. Subscr 1798 to Wm Enfield 1799 to Adam Walker. Of Tooke's Wood Norwich, & Wroxham hall (6 miles NE of Norwich). Lt Royal Regt Dragoons 7.1811. Died 1.8.1827

Travellers & Mr H---

10;12;1806 theatre; Travellers & Mr H---

The event tag on GD website leads to a blank screen. Travellers by Andrew Cherry music by Domenico Corri. Mr H--- a new farce about a man who is ashamed of his own name (which turns out to be Hogsflesh). Morn Post 9.12.1806 Morn Chron 12.12.1806


30.9.1808 Travers calls

Only appearance in Godwin's diary, but quite likely Benjamin Travers DNB 1783-1858 surgeon. He had recently married Sarah daughter of William Morgan DNB 1750-1833 and was a colleague of Henry Cline DNB 1750-1827, both acquaintances of Godwin. The only other Travers in Holdens 1811 directory in London were Joseph Travers Esq (a City grocer), two watchmakers in Clerkenwell, and a shoemaker.

Trecothick, James

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: James Trecothick of Bucklersbury original member 1780. Vice-president 1780, 1782

Born James Ivers 7.7.1754 Boston, Massachusetts son of James Ivers and Hannah married at Boston 28.3.1753. His uncle Barlow Trecothick, New England merchant and alderman of London (historyofparliamentonline 1754-1790) will PCC 8.6.1775 dated 25.1.1774 mentioned sister Hannah wife of James Ivers. Ivers junior took surname Trecothick, inherited Addington Place, Surrey, and married at St Martin i t Fields 30.2.1777 Susanna Margaret dau of Sir Archibald Edmonstone,…