A-Z of Entries


Piercy at theatre (& O"Brien & Col Hastings) 22.2.1799

perhaps William Piercy DNB 1744-1819

Pike, John Baxter

7.4.1795 Pikes at Foulkes' / 13.1.1804 Pike at Foulkes' / 2.5.1814 send to Pike / 12.5.1814 M(arshall) to Pike / 25.3.1817 M(arshall) from Pike / 20.12.1817 call on Pike

John Baxter Pike DNB 1745-1811 in his son's entry (John Deodatus Gregory Pike). Born 1745 King St Westminster. Lived in Netherbury Dorset 1797 - 1803. The Ipswich Journal of 2.11.1805 and the Morning Chronicle of 18.1.1806 reported on accusations of paedophilia against him as a schoolmaster. His range of interests (see DNB article) suggest him as possible for the two entries at Foulkes'. The later entries in 1814…


4.11.1807 meet Pilcher, w. M J / 3.8.1809 write to S Pilcher / 30.10.1809 Pilchers dine

Edward Paul Pilcher 1763-1826 had married Mary Jane Godwin's sister Sophia in 1792. It was eight years after Godwin's second marriage that the Pilchers first visited the Godwins (according to the diary). The Pilcher children later became frequent callers on the Godwins.

Their children (first three all baptised together in 1796) were 1) Edward, who probably died young, as he was not mentioned in his father's will of 1826, nor apparently in Godwin's diary 2) Peter who married in 1826 Emma…


mrs Pilkington 19.1.1800 at Lanesborough's / 26.1.1800 Pilkingtons at King's / 9.2.1800 again / 16.3.1800 again / 26.3.1800 again / 30.6.1833 miss Pilkington at Gaskel's / 12.6.1835 mesd Gaskel & Pilkington



Pym 9.7.1800 at Lady Moira's. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1800 / Pim 12.7.1800 at Curran's / 24.7.1800 meet Pim

John Janesa Pym Dict Irish Biog 1773-1861 Dublin brewer / Joshua Pim Esq subscr to Cervantes (Dublin 1796) / Dublin Trades 1797 Joshua & Joseph Pim merchants, James Pim tabbinet & silk manufacturer


Pinard 18.12.1791 at Holcroft's and 20 more times there till 24.1.1796, plus 25.117.93 Godwin calls on him and 7.7.1793 Godwin dines at his, with Holcroft

Nat Arch PROB31/1015/473 inventory of Jean Baptiste Pinard 1808 late of Oxford St, St Ann Soho bachelor, father Francois Pinard. creditor Rev Andre Benoitt Hardouin. sureties Rice Ives wine merchant & Wm Grant upholsterer both of Oxford St

Paul Pinard goldsmith 2 New St Covent Garden 1808, gent 9 Moor St Soho 1805 (Sun F). Paul Pinard goldsmith New St Covent Garden will PCC 1785 mentions brother James of Jamaica, wife…


Pinkard 16.1.1799 at John King's / 30.5.1799 at Sarah Elwes' / 26.10.1799 at King's, mr Pinkard / 29.12.1799 Pinkards there / 5.1.1800 Pinkard there / 6.1.1800 at Fancourt's / 19.1.1800 Pinkds at King's / 26.1.1800 Pinkard there (?) / 1.5.1800 meet Pinkds / 2.5.1800 meet Pinkard / 8.6.1800 adv at King's / 3.6.1812 call on Pinkard / 28.11.1817 Pinkard at S Elwes

In her will PCC 1818 Sarah Elwes mentioned her friend Dr George Pinckard and since Godwin noted him at Elwes' in 1799 and 1817 this was probably George Pinckard DNB 1768-1835 who was physician to the Bloomsbury Dispensary…

Pinkerton, Anne

A P 4.10.1797 adv at Hts

This entry has been missed on GD website though there is a  person record for her

Pinkerton, John

dine at Pinkerton's, tea with him at Philips's 7.8.1798

In GD website the "him" is underlined, but clearly referred to John Pinkerton


Pinkney 15.10.1804 at H Rowan's

A Mr Pinkney of Liffey St Dublin subscribed to George Parker's "Life's Painter" 1800. Fortescue Mansell Pinkney was a surgeon at 57 Lothbury (Sun Fire 1811). Elijah Pinkney a warehouseman at 27 Tabernacle Row Sun Fire 1814. Will PCC Francis Pinkney gent of Westminster 1844


7.6.1796 Wordsworth & Pinney call / 24.4.1798 Montagu & Pinney at tea / 20.9.1798 adv Montagu & Pinney at Godwin's / 7.2.1800 tea at Coleridge's with Lamb, Tobin, Montagu & Pinney / 5.3.00 tea at Coleridge's with Dyson, Tobin & Pinney / 2.5.1801 meet Pinney / 6.5.1801 again / 7.5.1801 call on Pinney (not in) / 19.5.1801 again / 23.3.1802 sup at Davy's with Pinney sr

The last entry above was probably John Pretor Pinney DNB 1740-1818, the others probably one of his sons John Frederick or Azariah. William Wordsworth (see DNB 1770-1850) and his sister were tenants of…


5.2.1796 Pinnick at Montagu's / 5.3.1798 Montagu, Pinnick & Cha(rlotte) Smith call


Pinto 8.11.1797 at Holcroft's



Pisani 7.8.1802 at tea (& J Beccaria)

There were Florentine sculptors called Pisani, I found no evidence of them having visited England. Two Pisanis mentioned in Farington diary 1795 a Count Pisani foreign minister who attended the Royal Academy dinner that year (perhaps Almoro Pisani Nat Arch PRO 31/14/67) and a Pisani who was interpreter for the Turkish ambassador (perhaps Berto Pisani chief dragoman of British Embassy to Turkey in 1810 Nat Arch Fo 352),  Pisani was one of the richest Venetian families also a common Italian name meaning from Pisa


Pitcairn 24.8.1798 at H(olcrof)ts

Likely to have been David Pitcairn DNB 1749-1809, friend of Matthew Baillie. DNB says he went to Portugal for 18 months in 1798


adv (Place & Le Maitre) Buchan & Harwood 18.3.1804 at H(olcroft's)

Exactly why Place  & Le Maitre are in brackets in this entry isn't clear but I think the Place referred to was likely to have been Francis Place DNB 1771-1854 who has a person record on GD website and played a considerable part in Godwin's life from 1809 on


Planard 2.8.1800 at Curran's

Ensign A E A Planard 18.1.1797 from 2nd regt to 6th regt Irish Brigade


10.4.1808  F(enwic)k & Orlando dine; adv. Plant

No clue


Platts 23.3.1797 at John King's / 30.9.1798 mrs Platt adv at mrs Foulkes / 2.3.1804 call on Platt / 17.7.1810 again / 4.3.1811 Platt at Aldis's / 2.9.1811 (Isle of Wight) Carisbrooke Castle adv L Bucks, F Grenville & Platt / 2.11.1824 adv at theatre / 1.3.1827 meet Platt

The first entry is complicated by the fact that Platts is a fairly common surname, though coming next to Gadagnes suggests it is the plural of Platt, a much commoner surname. Mrs Platt in 1798 could have been the actress of that name (Highfill, Burnim & Langhans S.J.Platt 1743-1800). The Platt at Carisbrooke…

Plowden, Francis Peter

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1796 but not coded to his person record in GD website