A-Z of Entries

Pocklington, Henry Sharpe

10.7.1796 Pocklington at Tho. Harvey's / 20.7.1796 Pocklington dines (probably at Alderson's): gardens with A & Pocklington

Both above entries were at Norwich. Henry Sharpe Pocklington admitted Christ's Cambridge 1819. 2nd son of Henry P of Chelsworth, Suffolk & Anne Harvey, born at Gloucester 29.12.1802. Henry P of Tibberton was sworn freeman of Gloucester 1802. Will PCC 1817 of Henry Sharpe Pocklington (sr) of Tyrrlawder, Glamorgan, wife Anne, brother Sir Robert P of Chelsworth. Will PCC 1838 of Anne P of Chelsworth, execs cousin George Morse of precincts of Norwich…


HCR diary 19.6.1824 at Aders "Sir Charles and Lady Pocock - she an horrible person"

                     2.5.1832 at the Aders "from whom I heard that the last letter of Mrs Leigh had put an end to all endeavours of Sir G: Pocock to reconcile them"

                     4.4.1839 at Mrs Robson's "Lady Pocock I had seen at the Aders"

On 5.9.1820 Susan Barbara kelly (sister of Mrs Aders first husband) married George Bartholomew Pocock of York Street, Marylebone at All Hallows, Barking, and her husband was knighted (as Captain of Gentleman Pensioners) on 8.8.1821. See…


15.11.1811 call on Pocock / 28.1.1812 again / 10.2.1812 again / 17.2.1812 again / 3.5.1812 Poole's, music, Pocock &c / 23.11.1813 dine at Poole's, w. Pocock &c

Possibly Isaac Innes Pocock DNB 1782-1835 who as a playwright like Poole would have been in context at Poole's two theatrical gatherings. Godwin first noted Poole at the theatre the night after he first called on Pocock

16.6.1813 sup at S(arah) E(lwes)'s, w. capt. Pocock / 14.8.1813 sup at S(arah) E(lwes)'s, w. Pococks

Quite likely Nicholas Pocock, captain of the Princess Mary packet, who married…


HCR diary 10.4.1822 at Aders met son of Poel whom Robinson had known in Altona in 1807. His mother had dies a few weeks before

Poel senior was Piter Poel (1760-1837) diplomat and newspaper publisher, see Marquardt I p 328 n 38. He married 6.1.1787 in Hamburg Friederike Elisabeth daughter of Professor Johann Georg Büsch (1728-1800), they had eleven children (de.wikipedia). Marquardt II p75 sayd 7 children and mentioned a daughter Emma but did not identify which son Robinson met in 1822

Poignand, Louis

31.8.1797 Dr Poignand / 3.9.1797 Poignand

Louis Poignand (Monk's Roll) born Poitou France died 17.6.1809 age 63 will PCC 1809

Poinder (Poynter)

see Forster, Mrs in Crabb Robinson Diary dataset

Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62

This was the south end of Poland Street, from Broad Street up to Portland Street on the east side and to the entrance to St James Infirmary on the west side. The corners of Poland and Broad Street were 13 Broad Street on the east sde and 14 Broad Street on the west side. 1 Poland Street was some way north of 13 Broad Street. Horwood's map 1813 edition showed the garden of 13 Broad St, then a shaded building (stabling, warehouses, &c) and then an open space, all to the north of 13 Broad Street so that 1 Poland Street was opposite 57 & 58 Poland Street. On the west side 62 Poland…

Poland Street 10 to 18 & 45 to 48

The middle section of Poland St, on the east side (10 to 18) from Portland St to the most northerly house facing Great Marlborough St, on the west side (48 to 45) from the entrance to St James Infirmary to the corner house 55 Great Marlborough St. Two houses on the east side, numbers 13 and 15, featured in Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies in 1790. The houses facing Great Marlborough St (16 to 18 Poland St) were sometimes referred to in advertisements as the most desirable part of Poland St. The symbol (QV*) means an entry for that person is or soon will be in the Greater Soho dataset…

Poland Street 19 to 44

The north section of Poland Street, on the west side from the corner house 1 Gt Marlborough St (Coach & Horses) numbers 44 to 34 then 365 Oxford Street, on the east side from 366 Oxford Street numbers 33 to 19. (QV*) means there is an entry for that person in Greater Soho dataset

No 19 Ratebooks 1773-4 William Gibbs (QV*) CABINET MAKER /1780 Mary Bevins 1777-88 Henry Bevins  (QV*) COOPER, TURNER / 1789-92 John Thomas (QV*) CABINET MAKER (1792 in Kings Bench prison) / 1793-5 Archibald Johnston (QV*) CABINET MAKER / 1795-7 Charles Nichols (QV*) CABINET MAKER /…

Poland Street number not known

These are people referred to as being of Poland Street but where I haven't discovered which house they lived in

12.10.1768 Lord Morton sent to Mr Davidson of Poland St whom he imagined to be a notary (Henry Davidson agent Poland St directories 1765-70 Brewer St Golden Sq 1771-76 and at Mr Ross's, Conduit St Hanover Sq, will PCC Henry Davidson 1781) / 15.11.1769 List of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce Mr Charles Burney, Mr Henry Davidson, Agent, James Glenn, Esq (quite likely James Glen DNB 1701-1777 his will PCC 1777 and dated that year gave his…


6.5.1807 call on Polhill

The only mention of Polhill in Godwin's diary. Godwin had received a letter that morning from Lord Holland (Bodleian MS Abinger c.10 f.37-8) concerning Godwin's attempts to raise a loan, so this call may have been relevant to that project.

The children of the Wilkite MP for Southwark Nathaniel Polhill (H of P 1723-1782), were Edward & Robert Polhill tobacconists 35 Borough (Holdens directory 1805) and Capt John Polhill (will PCC 28.11.1828) father of Frederick Polhill MP for Bedford 1830-1832.. Edward Polhill esq (will PCC 29.9.1837 of York-place…

Pollard, Robert

ROBERT POLLARD 1755/6-1839
SUGGESTED ADDITION <In 1794 he was suspected of membership of Republican societies by Alexander Cumming of Pentonville, watchmaker and informant of Alexander Brodie, MP.>
NOTES Nat Arch HO42/29/210
SUGGESTED ADDITION <Three of his unmarried daughters were described as needleworkers in Islington in the 1841 census, but by 1851 as annuitants.>
NOTES 1841 Islington, Catherine Pollard age 60, Ann do age 45, Iley do age 35 / 1851 24 Park St Islington, Catherine Pollard age 71, Iley do age 50 / 1871 72 Hulton St, Islington, Iley…

Pomfret, Earl (George Fermor)

E Pomfret 31.3.1793 at Paradise's. George Fermor born 1768, became Earl Pomfret 9.6.1785, died 1830



see Newman Street 1 to 9 in London Addresses dataset

Land Tax 7 Newman St empty 1795-6 / Daily Advertiser 9.1.1796 Mrs Pomier's ladies boarding school moved from Berners St to 7 Newman St opening 14.1.1796 / Daily Advertiser 5.5.1796 effects of ladies boarding school for sale 7 Newman St / presumably too short a stay to have been caught by the rate collector

Abraham Riorto = 13.10.1741 St Martin i t Fields Ann Mary Rafugeau / Peter Herve otp = Soho 29.3.152 Susannah Riorto of St Giles i t Fields by lic / Joseph Saunders bach = St Mgt Westminster 20.2.1773 Anna Maria Riorto sp…


Pontigny 27.2.1805 adv at (R) Taylor's

Victor de Mazet Pontigny son of Henry Pontigny of Little Tower Hill potter was apprenticed 2.2.1819 to Richard Taylor of the Stationers Company. Henry Pontigny potter and glass seller of Hermitage Wapping had been partner there with John Livie (qv) who died 1798. His daughter Clara de Chatelain DNB 1807-1876

Pool, Thomas

See Castle Street East 1 to 15 in London Addresses dataset

No 15 Castle St East Land Tax 1784-1794 William Cross (QV*) 1796-1802 John Pool 1804 Thomas Pool / SunFire 1799 Thomas Pool cheesemonger

Thomas Pool bach otp = 20.1.1793 St Marylebone by banns Elizabeth Arnold sp (her mark) wits M Cross, Thos Lanston (?) his mark / Elizabeth d of Thomas & Eliz Pool born 10.11.1793 bapt 1.12.1793 /  Elizabeth Poole (adult) bur 29.11.1793 St Marylebone / Thomas Poole of St Marylebone = 14.12.1794 St James Clerkenwell by lic Margaret Cross otp wits Henry Hurle, Mary Jane Clarke /…

Poole, Caroline

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62, and 10 to 18 & 45 to 48,  in London Addresses dataset

World 14.6.1793 ad for benefit for Miss Poole who was burnt out by the fire of 1.6.1793, tickets for sale from Miss Poole 9 Poland St. This was Caroline Poole singer (Martha Dickons DNB c1774-1833). From another ad for Archibald Johnston (QV*) cabinet maker I deduce that the fire was at 15 Poland St. Both 9 and 15 Poland St had "Covent Garden ladies" living there in Harris's List 1790. Francis Pool musician 16 Poland St SunFire 6.10.1792, if he was Caroline Poole's brother or relative…

Poole, Clement

write to Poole 15.3.1802 / 5.6.1802 write to Poole / 19.8.1802 write to M, Liverpool : M dines / 23.3.1803 Ct Poole dines (& E Napier) / 2.2.1804 Ct Pool calls (& miss Walsh)

The first two entries above are coded to Thomas Poole in the GD website. He was a friend of Coleridge and Godwin had met him in Coleridge's company 5 times in January and February of 1802 so it's reasonable to infer that the two letters were to him. But the letter of 17,3,1802 from Poole to Godwin (Bodleian Abinger c7 f100) bore a signature that doesn't appear to be Thomas Poole, though it is hard to…

Pope Rembrandt Rubens Raffaele

talk of Pope Rembrandt Rubens & Raffaele 9.5.1801

on GD website Rembrandt is uncoded and the other three coded as unidentified. The only one in any doubt was Pope who was probably the poet Alexander Pope DNB 1688-1744 but possibly the actor and painter Alexander Pope DNB 1763-1835. The three famous artists need no comment

Pope, Alexander

30.11.1793 at Wrights (with Perry) / in 1796 list (crossed out) for 1793, and in 1794 version / 4.10.1803 call on w. Curran / 17.10.1807 dine at Perry's, w. Popes

Alexander Pope DNB 1763-1835 actor and painter who married Mrs Wheatley (Clara Maria Pope DNB 1767-1838) on 14.6.1807. On 17.9.1802 Godwin had dined at Perry's with Mrs Wheatley (when she was a widow)