SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Annesley Shee of St James Place proposed member 25.5.1792 by John Frost 2nded John Augustus Bonney
1.6.1769 Annesley Shee freedom of Musicians Co London by redemption / Annesley Shee widower otp = St Mary Woolnoth London 12.4.1774 by lic Mary Ware sp of Isleworth wits Hugh Connor, Jane Rochfort / list of livery 1776 Annesley Shee musicians co Exchange Alley / SunFire 1777 Annesley Shee Craven St merchant / Annesley son of Annesley & Mary Shee bapt St Martin i t Fields 23.9.1778 / Annesley Shee merchant 25 Craven St Strand directories 1780-…