A-Z of Entries


13.4.1809 dine at Thelwal's, w. Nicholson, Wolcot, Mortimer, Soane, Brittons & miss Pate / 21.10.1820 call on Soane / 18.12.1820 again / 14.2.1826 meet Kenney & Soane, jr / 8.4.1832 call on Daniel; adv. Soane / 1.5.1832 theatre; adv. Gents, Soane &c

Probably John Soane DNB 1753-1837 particularly the 1809 entry at Thelwall's. According to the DNB Thelwall in 1809 established an institute in Lincolns Inn Fields, where Soane's famous house was. John Britton was a close friend of John Soane. In December1813 they both joined the Grand Master's Lodge of the Freemasons, along…


Mrs Soderini 17.7.1788.

Joseph Soderini is listed in Highfill, Burnim & Langhan's Biog Dict of Actors &c as a violinist (fl 1758-1794), no details of his wife are given, though he was said to be very ugly


Soley 8.4.1801 at Jacob's

The will PCC 1802 of Thomas Apreece Soley druggist & chemist of Bloomsbury mentioned his friend Joseph Jacob of Greek St, Soho


19.2.1790 S Solly adv at T Hollis / 14.2.1791 R Solly at Lister's / 12.2.1793 meet S Solly / 1.4.1796 T Solly at Lister's / 9.11.1807 dine at Guildhall; adv. Solly / 23.3.1810 call on Ward, Solly & Vaughan & Surr / 28.2.1811 write to Vaughan, Solly, Ward & Saffory / 5.10.1830 R H Solly

Timothy Hollis' will (PCC 24.12.1790) dated 1774 mentioned Isaac, Samuel and Edward the three sons of his sister Ann (d 1776) who married Richard Solly (d 1729) in 1717. In a codicil dated 1783 he left his house in Great Ormond St to Samuel Solly instead of £4000, and left his books to…

Sothren, George

27.6.1794 call on Mrs Sothren / 28.6.1794 call on Sothren / 5.7.1794 breakfast at Sothren's. / 6.7.1794 call on Sothren / 1.2.1796 write to mrs Sothren / 11.7.1796 call on G Sothren / 22.12,1796 mrs Sothren dies / 1.10.1803 call on G Sothren / 9.9.1805 call on Sothren / 26.1.1829 write to Sothren / 9.6.1829 Coplands & Sothrens call

Probably George Sothren baptised Norwich 1762 son of George & Hannah (nee Raimes, married Norwich 1754). His father, probably a tailor of Norwich who voted there in 1768 and 1780, married Godwin's cousin Hannah at Gaiswick (i.e.Guestwick) 15.9.…


HCR diary 24.10.1821 at Aders "a younger son of Souchay a sensible countenance which I was much pleased with"

6.7.1822 at Aders "the Sievekings, Souchays and Perret were sufficient for entertainment"

7.11.1836 at Benecke's re Aders "I found that A: had obtained from Souchay a promise of £100 but he had represented to S: that he wanted £2000!!!"

17.4.1838 "called next on W Benecke and from him learned that Mr Ch: Souchay is alarmingly ill so that CharS is gone to Frankfurt"

23.12.1838 at Benecke's at Denmark Hill "found the Souchays from Manchester there"

Souse & Saoust

15.4.1810 tea Newton's, w. ouse &c / 14.1.1811 tea Newton's, w. Salomon, Saoust

Souse was a rare surname (there were none in Holdens 1811 directory for London) but there was a Thomas Souse of 4 Montague-court buried age 42 on 8.2.1813 at St Botolph Bishopsgate. Still given the second entry above I think it likely that Souse was Godwin's attempt to spell Saoust, as the name of a flautist was written in the Morning Post of 6.4.1801. He was Carl Saust born 1773 Saxony, came to England 1800, and often performed with J P Salomon DNB 1745-1815. On 2.2.1826 Charles Saust of South…

Southern, Henry


Henry Southern (1799-1853)
CURRENT TEXT "the son of Richard Southern, a barber."
SUGGESTED CHANGE <the son of Richard Southern (1750/1-1811), a barber, and his wife Ann.>
NOTES York St Mary Cripplegate Richard Southern hairdresser of New St died 24.9.1811 aged 61 of Apoplexy. York directory 1799 Richard Southeran, hairdresser, Blake Street. York St Martin Coney Street Richard son of William Suthran bapt 20.1.1751, Ann dau of Mr Richard Southern perfumer by Ann his wife bapt 1.9.1800, Richard Cornwell son of the same bapt 26.6.1803…


dine at Southgate's 13.4.1800

Probably Christopher Southgate painter 9 Hatton Garden 1789-90 floor cloth manufacturer 88 Fleet Market 1790 will PCC 1810 floor cloth manufacturer of London Road St Georges Fields Surrey. Godwin never met Southgate or any of his guests before or after that dinner except for his brother Joseph Godwin who was therefore probably a friend of Southgate or his guests. Godwin's brother was involved in the carpet business (see Godwin. Joseph) and the other guests (see Keylock & see Crabb) were probably engaged in allied trades in the same area as Southgate…


17.1.1810 write to Southworth

There was a John Southworth bookbinder from 1780 to about 1820 at various London addresses (bbti). He was a liveryman of St Martins le Grand in 1791.and he was of 9 Ave Maria-lane in 1804 when he bound his son Edward Lazarus apprentice. His baptism 1755 his will PCC 1838. A John & Ann Southworth baptised a child at Twickenham in 1804 which might explain why Godwin wrote rather than called. In Holdens 1805 court directory there was a Mr. John Southworth of 3 London-house-yard St Paul's. A much commoner surname in Lancashire


Spanky 7.3.1802 at Perry's In Godwin's 1796 list for 1802 / 14.2.1804 Spankie & friend call / 8.3.1805 call on W Spanky / 17.10.1807 Spanky at Perry's

Robert Spankie DNB 1774-1842 lawyer, reporter on Perry's Morning Chronicle (DNB). He did have a brother William baptised at Falkland, Fife in 1777 but I have found no more on what became of him. The youngest brother James Shiells Spankie 1782-1821 was in the Madras Army

Sparkes, Miss

miss Sparkes 29.4.1793 at Hannah Godwin's

4.3.1768 Catherine Sparkes appr to Margaret Quarrington milliner of St George Hanover Sq / 27.3.1769 Hester Sparkes dau of John & Agnes baptised St Anne Soho / 1792 Thomas Sparkes of Aldersgate St, governor of Aldersgate St dispensary for poor / 1792 Robert Sparkes Esq 22 Portland Pl (Boyle's) / 17.6.1799 Amelia Sparkes appr to Jas Easton furrier of East St Walworth

Special, Joseph

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Joseph Special of Bishops Stortford proposed member 29.3.1793 by James Parkinson 2nded Joseph Clayton Jennings

William Special taylor of Bishops Stortford took appr 1723. William Special = Good Easter, Essex 18.8.1741 Lydia Bush. Lydia Special mantua maker Bishops Stortford took appr 1741. Joseph son of William & Lydia Special bapt 6.2.1746 Bishops Stortford. Petition on behalf of prisoner who stole two coats from Joseph Special of Bishops Stortford market trader on 28.11.1786 at Harlow Fair. Special's servant Rachael Ebsworth mentioned.…

Speed, Henry

18.11.1795 at Montagu's / 15.8.1810 mrs Speed at mrs Montagu's / 21.12.1823 Speed at White's Isleworth / 31.12.1826 mrs Speed at White's, Isleworth.  In Godwin's 1796 list for 1795

Henry Speed, Comte de Viry 1776-1820 (History of Parliament) MP for Huntingdon 1790-6. Married Augusta (d.1849), Montagu's sister, illegitimate children of Lord Sandwich by Martha Ray. Oracle 3.7.1795 and 9.7.1795 said he absconded from case at Kings Bench where he was a defendant along with John King and others. Lieutenant in Isle of Man volunteers 1798, captain 1803. Died at Tours 1820. Two of his sons…


12.7.1809 write to Spence &c

Godwin wrote to several booksellers outside London that morning. For some reason Spence has not been tagged on GD website to a person, either identified or not. Possibles from bbti : Robert Spence bookseller High Ousegate, York 1778 to 1810, & with William Spence, Pavement, York 1809 / John Spence bookseller Briggate Leeds 1804 to 1810

Spence, Sarah

mrs Spence 2.1.1795 at Dyer's.

Sarah Spence of Bury St Edmunds whose poems were published 1796, subscribers included George Dyer, miss Chennill of Hatton Street (see Chennels, Lydia Frances) and miss Cristall. The book mentioned miss Harriot and master George Spence, children of Mr Spence by a former wife. She seems (from the content of the poems) to have had a son by him who died young.


Spencely, James

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

James Spenceley 19 Poland St ratebooks 1796 / James Spencely = St James 13.3.1798 Sarah Collins dau of William & Anna Collins botp by banns (wits Jno Lyell, Margaret Atkinson) their son James born 1801 was oil and colourman of 24 Goodge St (SunFire 1830) / a James Spencely on Middlesex coroners jury Mx Hosp 1799 / a James Spenceley was buried 1827 St Martin i t F age 68


mrs Spencer adv at Chandler's 28.5.1798 / 2.5.1800 Milton Gallery adv C Moores (& W Spencer) / 10.10.1806 W Spencer at Fox's funeral (wrongly transcribed as W Spences in GD website) / 18.12.1806 call on Rogers adv W Spencer / 28.3.1818 Spencer dined at Aldis's

The three W Spencer entries in 1800 and 1806 were quite likely William Robert Spencer DNB 1770-1834 who spent his last years from 1825 in Paris in poverty and ill-health so can't have been the Spencer whom Godwin met at the theatre 27 times between 1828 and 1836 (which I haven't included above). He had married Susan, the…

Spencer, Richard

In Godwin's 1796 list LRSpencer crossed out, in 1794 version Lord R Spencer. Has a person record in GD website but 1796 list entry not coded to it

Lord Richard Spencer (History of Parliament 1747-1831)

Spilsbury, Thomas

Spilsbury 6.5.1792; 16.5.1792; and 20.6.1794 - this last a call by Godwin followed by his call on Dorset the next day.

Thomas Spilsbury printer of Snow Hill (see Cooper, John Robinson). He died 1795. See the will PCC 1800 of his son Thomas, whose brothers William and Charles continued the printing business until 1803, then Charles alone.

25.5.1809 Spilsbury calls / 21.6.1809 again / 28.11.1809 call on Spilsbury

William and Charles Spilsbury were in dispute in Chancery in 1807. In 1808 Charles Spilsbury was the printer of Lloyd's Evening Post (see Nat Arch TS11/44/162…