A-Z of Entries


Dickinson 21.10.1802 at Nicholson's / 26.8.1804 Dickenson at Horne Tooke's

When William Nicholson was in Debtor's Prison in 1807 (see Nat Arch PRIS1/23) the principal creditor was a Robert Dickinson, for £996, next was George Nicholas Ll.D. headmaster of Ealing school (will PCC 1829) for £324 at first and a further £634 added later, and the other 20 or so creditors for less than £1000 between them, including James Sadler jr for £30. It's possible that some creditors added their claims at the request of the debtor. Godwin had supped at Nicholson's with Sadler on 14.1.1800. There were…


18.10.1809 write to Dickson / 3.11.1809 again

Perhaps William Dickson bookseller High-st Edinburgh (Holdens directory 1811)


27.1.1810 Guildhall, Didier

Bankrupts Peter Didier & William Tebbett of St James-st booksellers, January 27 at eleven at Guildhall. They specialised in children's games and children's books in English, French & Italian. Strange that Godwin hadn't noted the name before as it was his line of business and he may have been a creditor


Dillon 18.6.1805 at Philips / 2.4.1827 L Dillon at M(ary) W S(helley)'s / 5.4.1827 write to Vt Dillon / 12.4.1827 Dillon calls / 15.5.1827 seek Lord Dillon / 24.5.1827 call on Lord Dillon / 8.6.1827 write to Lord Dillon / 11.6.1827 Dillon calls / 27.6.1827 meet L Dillon & pere / 30.12.1837 adv Vt Dillon at M(ary) W S(helley)'s / 6.4.1828 adv Dillon at M(ary) W S(helley)'s / 30.4.1828 meet Vt Dillon / 6.5.1830 meet Dillon

Henry Augustus Dillon-Lee DNB 1777-1832. He succeded to the Viscountcy in 1813. In 1805 he was MP for Mayo and his Letter to the Noblemen & Gentlemen &c…


Dilly 20.10.1802 at Joseph Johnson's / 7.12.1803 again

Probably Charles Dilly DNB 1739-1807

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Charles Dilly of The Poultry founding member John Dilly proposed 12.1.1781 by Charles Dilly 2nded Capel Lofft

See John Dilly 1731-1806 in Charles Dilly DNB 1739-1807

Dirkheim, Moses Myers

1.9.1806 Dirkheim at Mitre Court Café w. Coleridge & Lamb

See Coleridge's Letters vol 4 p 1173-1188. This captain of an American vessel had according to Coleridge saved his life while Coleridge returned very ill from Leghorn to England on his ship Gosport, but he failed to return Coleridge's trunk of books, before marrying an Englishwoman and then sailing off again. Myers Dirkheim born 1748 Philadelphia Jewish congregation may have been his father. Moses Myers Derkheem otp bach = St Michael, Cornhill 16.9.1806 Elizabeth Jones of St Katherine by the Tower sp by lic wits George…

Dirom, Alexander

3.9.1792 Maj Derham at Jardine's; 23.10.1792 Dirom at Jardine's. In Godwin's 1796 list fo 1792 and in 1794 version.

Alexander Dirom DNB 1757-1830. (World 15.8.1793) "lately at Edinburgh Major Dirom of Muiresk married Miss Pasley of Mount Annan"


Dives, Miss

30.12.1795 at Newton's


Dixon 30.5.1797 at Joseph Johnson's / mrs Dixon 26.10.1800 at Curran's / 25.10.1802 sup at E Dixon's with Curran / 14.12.1807 Dixon at Philips's / 21.12.1815 mrs Dixon at Curran's / 28.6.1817 Lecture with Curran & Dixon (James Ogilvie DNB 1760-1820 on duelling) / 22.10.1817 call on mrs Dixon / 12.11.1817 mes Dixon & Darley call / 18.11.1817 call on Dixon / 2.11.1818 mrs Dixon calls / 27.12.1818 call, with Lube, on mrs Dixon / 30.12.1818 mrs Dixon calls / 2.1.1819 Lube & mrs Dixon, with Darby, call / 20.9.1819 M Lamb & Dixon call / 16.12.1825 call on Dixon / 8.8.1828 again…


Dobbs 9.9.1800 at Taggart's. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1800 / 28.9.1800 meet Dobbs

Francis Dobbs DNB 1750-1811 anti-union apocalyptic


17.7.1808 sup at Topping's, w. Dods

Only instance in Godwin diary. Usually spelt Dodds.

P.O. Directory 1808 Joseph Dodds silversmith 12 Aldersgate-st / Joseph Dodds ship & insurance-broker 5, Mark-la

Holdens Directory 1802 Miss Dodds, boarding school 22 Lisson-green / Dodds surgeon 45 Dorset-st, Manchester-sq / Wm. Dodds carver & gilder, 72 Oxford-st / John Dodds attorney, Maiden-lane, Covt. Gdn / John Dodds & Turner corn-dealers 71 Tooley-st (& 1811) will PCC 1819

Holdens Directory 1811  Mr Dodds 3 Oxford-ct, Cannon-st / Mr J S Dodds 10 Park-st…

Dodsley, James

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1783 crossed out, in 1794 version added in small letters along with Robinson and Cadell. Godwin added the three publishers together but crossed out the two who didn't become his publisher

James Dodsley DNB 1724-1797 bookseller

Dodson, Michael

15.3.1790 Dodson at B Hollis' / 11.1.1791 there.

Michael Dodson DNB 1732-99 Unitarian Socy 1791 Boswell Court, Carey St

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION:  Michael Dodson proposed 6.4.1792 by 2nded


Dorroty 26.1.1800 at John King's / 9.2.1800 Dogherty at John King's / 16.3.1800 again / 5.6.1800 again / 8.10.1800 meet Dogherty (& Goold) / 9.10.1800 meet Dogherty / 11.10.1800 again / 17.10.1800 Dogherty at theatre / 9.12.1800 meet Dogherty / 11.1.1801 again / 30.4.1801 again / 11.10.1808 Dogherty at theatre

Quite likely Hugh Doherty Esq. (often spelt Dogherty) brother of John Doherty DNB 1783-1850 son of John Doherty attorney of Dublin. Cornet in 29th Light Dragoons eloped in 1802 with 15 year old Ann Holmes daughter of Thomas Hunter formerly Holmes, a wealthy East India…


Dollan 8.10.1800 at Lamb's

William Dollin 1780 - 1851 +

John Dollin cheesemonger Cannon St Sun Fire 1779 will PCC 1787 cheesemonger of St Martin Ongar, his dau Mary bapt St Martin Ongar 5.10.1776 his son William Miller Dollin bapt there 31.7.1780 Mary Dollin buried 18.12.1798 Gracechurch St, poisoned herself (Letters of Charles & Mary Lamb, Charles Lloyd to Thomas Manning 6.1.1799) 1851 census 12 Brunswick Rd Melcombe Regis Dorset lodger William M Dollin born Middlesex age 70 unmarried retired underwriter


8.3.1807 dine at Plunket's, w. Dolland

The only example of this name in Godwin's diary. Nearly all the Dollands in directories were of the Dollond optician family (DNB per.1750-1871), very often spelt Dolland. Old Bailey 15.2.1804 Barnard Dollond cheese and ham dealer 89 Strand. The guests at Plunket's were mostly Irish and the name Dolland was not unknown in Ireland but I found no likely candidates.


25.3.1810 call on Domville (for C Ft)

Probably Alderman William Domville 7 New Ormond-st 1742-1833 had been bookseller and Master of the Stationers Company, became Lord Mayor of London 1813. I suggest that C Ft was Charlotte widow of Joseph Fawcett DNB 1758-1804 and it should be added to her person record on GD website (although she hadn't appeared in Godwin's diary since her husband died in 1804, but he noted her death in 1824, when she was living in Hornsey-road). Domville was from St Albans and Mrs Fawcett from nearby Ware, so that might suggest a connection.

Donaldson, Humphrey

16.8.1795 Donaldson at Perry's / 7.11.1813 Donaldson calls

Humphrey Donaldson of the Invalid Office, executor of the will of Perry's partner Gray (see Gray, James). His will PCC 1804, army agent of Whitehall mentions wife Ann son Humphrey (BA Trinity Cambs, Lt in Forfarshire Militia) property in Iver Bucks & Dunkeld Perth, sister Helen Maxwell, wife's mother Sarah Munden, Sarah Troval a young woman at St Petersburgh, execs Wm Wood of Army Pay Office, James Boaden of Warren St, George Smith of Whitehall, John Woods of Spring Gdns solicitor. Voted 1784 Fox (Green St, St Martins)…


adv at Foulkes' with mrs Aris, miss Winal & miss Holcrofts

possibly Edward Donovan DNB 1768-1837 natural historian

married bach 11.7.1800 St Mary Rotherhithe by lic Margaret Bennett sp both otp wits Richard Hawes, Mary Short / buried St Mary Newington 28.2.1837 Elijah Edward Donovan of Lambeth age 61 / will PCC 1837 Elijah Edward Donovan widower. DNB states Edward D died 1.2.1837

Cornelius Donovan merchant / brother of Lady Anglesey Oct 1752 / 1784 1 New Broad St, 1786-98 over Royal Exchange, Boyle's 1800 Lloyds Coffee House / on jury at Kings Bench 18.12.1792…


see Dorrell