A-Z of Entries

Harmer, Samuel

21.07.1796 S Harmer sups (in Norwich, at James Alderson's?)

Samuel Harmer attorney (see Jewson, Jacobin City p135). He was apprenticed 1742 to John Cooper attorney of Norwich, was listed in Bailey's 1784 as attorney of Cockey Lane, Norwich, died 31.12.1808 aged nearly 80, newspaper obituary said he was for many years the speaker of Common Council

Harmer, Thomas

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1780 and in 1794 version

Thomas Harmer DNB 1714-1788 mentioned in W St Clair, The Godwins and the Shelleys, as one of the ministers Godwin came into conflict with at Stowmarket


Fillingham (& L Harrington) 20.1.1804 at theatre / 27.11.1804 la Harrington at Wake's / 27.1.1805 again / 18.3.1805 again / 16.5.1805 sir Edward Harrington at Wake's

Because the three la(dy) Harringtons at Wake's were followed by Sir Edward at Wake's I assume she was his wife and so the L(ord) Harrington at the theatre was probably Charles Stanhope DNB 1753-1829 3rd Earl of Harrington, army general and courtier (gold stick in waiting). Sir Edward Harrington (also spelt Harington) was the Mayor of Bath (where Wake had lived) knighted in 1795, "son of the physician" (Edward…


7.4.1795 mes Harris at Foulkes' / 23.5.1797 Harris at Carlisle's / 19.12.1797 Harris (& Aldis) call / 23.2.1798 Harris (& Carlisle) call / 2.9.1798 Harris at Tooke's / 24.12.1799 call on Harris . In Godwin's 1796 list for 1799 / 30.1.1800 Harris adv at Sarah Elwes' (& Mrs Holcombe)

These are the Harris entries up to 1800 which the GD website has not coded to Thomas Harris, manager of Covent Garden theatre. Some of them may have been him but perhaps not as when he was dealing with Thomas Harris, Godwin was sending, writing, hearing from him through James Marshall, or…

Harris of Aylesbury

13.6.1809 Harris of Aylesbury calls

Probably John Harris, son of John Turner Harris (will PCC 1798). studied Homerton Academy, dissenting minister at Aylesbury 1777-1815, married 28.11.1777 at Holborn, Mary dau of Dr James Watson 1713-1783, died 1.12.1829 in London age 75 (will PCC 1830)


Harry 15.3.1797 at Robert Knight's

Although Harry can be a surname ( 1790 H Harry bookseller and dealer in curiosities 379 Strand / 1784 Dr John Harry Bodmin Cornwall) in this case it may refer to Robert Knight's younger brother Henry Raleigh Knight his will PCC 1836 Lt Genl of Portman St Portman Sq. He married at St Geo Han Sq 1.12.1808 Juliana Botti who d 1859 age 79 their son Charles Raleigh Knight married in 1856, their eldest dau Juliana born 1811 married 1840 died at Rome 1854, their youngest dau Caroline Emily married in 1850.


21.5.1795 Harts at Batty's (with Tooke, A Alderson Smirke & miss Buck) / 14.9.1796 Hart at Foulkes' (with Holcrofts& Mes Kettle & Lloyd) / 3.8.1803 Harts at Joyce's (with H Tooke, miss Cline) / 13.7.1804 Harts at Joyce's (with H Tooke) / 20.7.1804 H Tooke at Godwin's (invites Harts Smirke & miss Cline)

Clearly Horne Tooke's daughters Mary & Charlotte Hart, though possibly their mother was sometimes included in Harts plural. The entry at Foulkes' in 1796 was the only singular one and the only one where Tooke wasn't there and the fact that Hart was not included…


Hartley 13.7.1800 at Grattan's / 14.7.1800 again / 18.7.1800 at Drennan's

Perhaps James son of Travers Hartley Dict Irish Biog 1723-1786 Dublin merchant. / Dublin Trades 1797 James Hartley merchant, William Hartley haberdasher & silk merchant / Henry Hartley barrister = Apr 1798 Lady Louisa Lumley dau of Earl of Scarborough (Irish marriages).


2.4.1808 Harvery calls, bookseller

A rare surname but it did exist. None found in British Book Trades Index or Holdens 1811 directory

















Harvey, Ann

mrs Harvey 25.5.1795  adv at Mrs Inchbald's (with mrs Twiss) / 26.7.1795 mrs H & fils at Horne Tooke's

Ann Twiss married Thomas Harvey at Norwich 12.10.1774 and died 13.5.1819 aged 71. Mrs Twiss was Frances Kemble who married her brother Francis Twiss DNB 1759-1827

Harvey, Dr

call on Ct (=future Mrs Godwin) adv dr Harvey 26.10.1801 / 15.9.1802 dr Harvey calls

?James Hervey DNB 1750/1 -1824 / Ludford Harvey surgeon Old Jewry 1791, Red Lion St 1811, Sir Ludford Harvey of Woolwich will PCC 1829 / Dr Paul Harvey surgeon 53 Shoe Lane 1811 / Alfred Augustus Harvey MD will PCC 1855 / Augustus William Harvey MD will PCC 1857 / William Hazzard Harvey surgeon 2 Upper John St Golden Sq will PCC 1813. The future Mrs Godwin was probably pregnant by 26.10.1801 shortly before she married Godwin

Harvey, Lydia

21.07.1796 call on mrs Harvey sr

Lydia Ives 1718-1804 married Thomas Harvey d.1772 who was Mayor of Norwich in 1748 and their son Thomas Harvey 1748-1819 married Ann Twiss 12.10.1774 at Norwich. Robert Harvey, older brother of Thomas d.1772, married a Lydia Black, not sure when she died, but their son Robert was born 1736, that side of the family were Tories

Harvey, Thomas


In Godwin's 1796 list for 1796 but that entry not coded to his person record in GD website

Harwood, William Tooke

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Tooke Harwood proposed member 13.5.1791 by John Horne Tooke 2nded John Lodge Batley

GODWIN DIARY from 24.3.1793. add 14.7.1796, 16.7.1796, 18.7.1796 H, (delete 1.3.1827, 16.12.1830 now done in GD website)

Baptised at St Peter Mancroft Norwich on 19.10.1757 born 4.9.1757 son of Thomas Harwood and Elizabeth (nee Tooke). His mother was buried at Norwich on 27.4.1797 which was mentioned in Ann Godwin's letter of 3.5.1797 (Abinger c.3 f64-5). See Holcroft, Anne for his marriage. His will PCC 1824 Tooke Harwood Colonel of 19th regt Light…

Hase, Mrs

mrs Hase at tea 8.9.1805 at Mousehold ( just outside Norwich on NE)

see work notes below


Haskins 1.1.1795 at Sutton's


11.2.1796 Hastings calls / 14.9.1796 Hastings at Debrett's / 8.3.1797 Hastings at Debrett's / 22.2.1799 Col Hastings at theatre

See GD website person record for Francis Rawdon Hastings, 1st Earl Moira and his DNB entry 1754-1826. Godwin noted calling on Moira twice in Ireland in 1800 (which could possibly mean his mother Lady Moira who, unlike him, appeared in Godwin's 1796 list and whose death Godwin noted as Countess of Moira in 1808) but noted Lord Moira's death in 1826 as Hastings. Moira also appeared in brackets with Byron & Rogers at Coleridge's lecture on 20.1.1812.…


mrs Hatchard 18.8.1800 on mail coach from Shrewsbury to London / 20.11.1809 call on Hatchard

John Hatchard DNB 1756-1849 was said to be a Tory bookseller, though he voted Fox & Tooke in 1796 but then Gardner in 1802, Hood in 1806 and Romilly & Maxwell in 1818. He married 11.7.1790 Elizabeth dau of Thomas & Elizabeth Lambert. George & Thomas Hatchard were carpenters & chandlers of Castle Lane Westminster, Thomas voted Horne Tooke in 1790 & Hood in 1806 while George voted Hood in 1788, Fox & Gardner in 1796. Henry Hatchard, carpenter & umdertaker of…

Hatchet Lane

28.11.1808 write to Hatchet Lane

Probably means to the Boinvilles, or possibly to the Newtons. Hatchet Lane runs northeast from near Bracknell towards Windsor. The Boinvilles are said to have lived at Bracknell but I'm not sure if their exact address is known.

Hatchett, Charles

21.3.1792 Hatchet at Holcroft's.

This is likely to have been Charles Hatchett 1765-1847 chemist and mineralogist who married Elizabeth daughter of John Collick a Westminster magistrate. Godwin met Collick at Shield's 27.11.1794, and Collick mentioned Shield, Crosdill and Clementi in his will (PCC 1807) and is mentioned as well as Crosdill in the will (PCC 1794) of Henry Waller (see 6.7.1792). Another possibility is that it was Horatio McGeorge, an eccentric actor known as Hatchet after one of his roles (Highfill, Burnim and Langhans)